巴西最高法院外发生的爆炸杀害了一名男子,迫使法官撤离,引起安全关切。 Explosions outside Brazil's Supreme Court killed a man and forced justices' evacuation, raising security concerns.
一名男子在星期三在巴西利亚的巴西最高法院外的爆炸中丧生,迫使法官和工作人员撤离。 A man died in explosions outside Brazil's Supreme Court in Brasília on Wednesday, forcing the evacuation of justices and staff. 事件发生后,该名男子在国会附近的一辆汽车中引爆爆炸物,然后在最高法院入口处引爆爆炸物。 The incidents occurred after the man detonated explosives in a car near Congress and then at the Supreme Court entrance. 确切动机不明,但最高法院面临极右团体的威胁。 The exact motive is unknown, but the Supreme Court has faced threats from far-right groups. 巴西准备主办20国集团首脑会议时,爆炸引起了安全关切。 The explosions raised security concerns as Brazil prepares to host the G20 summit.