尽管花费了500万英镑用于修理,北爱尔兰的农村道路仍然面临坑洞问题,影响安全。 Despite £500M spent on repairs, Northern Ireland's rural roads still face pothole problems, affecting safety.
尽管北爱尔兰五年来在修路上花费了5亿多英镑,但农村公路仍然有坑洞和恶劣条件,影响到弱势乘客。 Despite over £500 million spent on road repairs in Northern Ireland over five years, rural roads still suffer from potholes and poor conditions, affecting vulnerable passengers. 自2021年1月以来,记录了120,000多条道路缺陷,获得资金最多的中乌尔斯特,仍然有很高的坑洞数。 Over 120,000 road defects have been recorded since January 2021, with Mid Ulster, which received the most funding, still having a high pothole count. 地方议员说,坑洞仍然是居民的主要关切问题。 Local councillors say potholes remain a major concern for residents.