诺特尔达姆大教堂在2019年因火灾受损,将以1500万美元的捐款余额重新开放. Notre Dame Cathedral, damaged by fire in 2019, will reopen with $150M leftover from $1B in donations.
2019年受火灾破坏的圣母大教堂下个月将重新开张,为修复大教堂认捐的10亿美元捐款中还有近1.5亿美元剩余。 Notre Dame Cathedral, damaged by a fire in 2019, will reopen next month with nearly $150 million remaining from the $1 billion in donations pledged for its restoration. 由亿万富翁和小额捐助者捐助的盈余资金将用于今后的保存工作。 The surplus funds, contributed by both billionaires and small donors, will be used for future preservation work. 复原主任Philippe Jost证实,所有认捐都已兑现,赞扬捐助者的慷慨捐助。 Restoration chief Philippe Jost confirmed that all financial pledges have been fulfilled, praising the donors' generosity.