矿物资源暂时关闭Bald Hill锂矿,造成300人失业。 Mineral Resources to temporarily close its Bald Hill lithium mine, resulting in 300 job losses.
澳大利亚矿业公司矿产资源公司将暂时关闭西澳大利亚州的Bald Hill锂矿,造成300个就业机会损失。 Mineral Resources, an Australian mining company, will temporarily close its Bald Hill lithium mine in Western Australia, leading to the loss of 300 jobs. 这一决定是由于自2023年以来锂价格大幅下跌,受供过于求和电动车辆销售增长放缓的影响。 The decision is due to the significant drop in lithium prices since 2023, influenced by oversupply and slower growth in electric vehicle sales. 矿场将置于照料和保养之下,该公司对其长期未来持乐观态度。 The mine will be placed on care and maintenance, with the company optimistic about its long-term future.