马克斯的墨西哥Cuisine 荣耀Fernando Valenzuela 与一个摊位和壁画, 庆祝已故道奇明星的遗产。 Max's Mexican Cuisine honored Fernando Valenzuela with a booth and mural, celebrating the late Dodgers star's legacy.
马克斯在蒙罗维亚的墨西哥Cuisine, 纪念已故道奇家传奇的费尔南多·巴伦苏埃拉(Fernando Valenzuela), 献出一个编号为34的摊位, 并揭开他记忆中的壁画。 Max's Mexican Cuisine in Monrovia honored late Dodgers legend Fernando Valenzuela by dedicating a booth numbered 34 and unveiling a mural in his memory. Valenzuela以社区参与和善待闻名,经常到餐厅参观。 Valenzuela, known for his community involvement and kindness, was a frequent visitor to the restaurant. 2024年11月12日的献身仪式以当地艺术家Ryan Burch设计的壁画庆祝他对体育和社区的贡献。 The dedication ceremony on November 12, 2024, celebrated his contributions to sports and the community, with a mural designed by local artist Ryan Burch.