吉尔吉斯斯坦逮捕7人,包括外国人,因为他们在选举期间策划政变;缴获武器。 Kyrgyzstan arrests seven, including foreigners, for plotting a coup during elections; weapons seized.
吉尔吉斯斯坦逮捕了7名涉嫌策划政变以利用全国体育赛事和11月17日地方选举的人,包括外国人和一名前副检察官。 Kyrgyzstan has arrested seven individuals, including foreign nationals and a former deputy prosecutor, suspected of planning a coup to exploit national sports events and local elections on November 17. 从嫌疑人手中缴获了武器和供应品。 Weapons and supplies were seized from the suspects. 俄罗斯在附近设有军事基地,与吉尔吉斯当局保持经常接触,但声称没有干涉。 Russia, which maintains a military base nearby, is in regular contact with Kyrgyz authorities but claims not to be interfering. 吉尔吉斯斯坦有内乱的历史,包括争议选举后2020年发生的一起事件。 Kyrgyzstan has a history of civil unrest, including a 2020 incident following disputed elections.