印度东海岸铁路升级为2x25KV系统, 以支持更快的火车和减少排放。 India's East Coast Railway upgrades to a 2x25 KV system to support faster trains and cut emissions.
印度的东海岸铁路正在将其电气化系统升级为几条主要线路上的2x25KV高压系统,改进了电压管制,并支持半高速和重型货运列车业务。 The East Coast Railway in India is upgrading its electrification system to a 2x25 KV overhead system on several key routes, improving voltage regulation and supporting semi-high-speed and heavy freight train operations. 这一升级将增强电力稳定性,减少对化石燃料的依赖,符合印度到2030年实现运输净零碳排放的目标。 This upgrade will enhance power stability and reduce reliance on fossil fuels, aligning with India's goal to achieve net-zero carbon emissions in transportation by 2030. 该项目定于2027年3月完成,包括诸如Bhadrak-Khurda Road和Cuttack-Paradeep等路线。 The project, set for completion by March 2027, includes routes like Bhadrak-Khurda Road and Cuttack-Paradeep.