路易斯安那州和新墨西哥州的议案力求在青少年犯罪日益引起关注的情况下强化少年司法法律。 Bills in Louisiana and New Mexico seek to toughen juvenile justice laws amid rising youth crime concerns.
在路易斯安那州,州参议员Heather Cloud提出的一项法案将使得以劫车和纵火罪、取消宪法保护以及将决策权交给立法者等罪行将青少年作为成年人审判更为容易。 In Louisiana, a bill proposed by State Senator Heather Cloud would make it easier to try juveniles as adults for crimes like carjacking and arson, removing constitutional protections and putting the decision in lawmakers' hands. 在新墨西哥州,地区检察官Sam Bregman提议扩大少年指控范围,将更严重罪行包括在内,并将少年服务扩大到25岁,而青年犯罪却在不断上升,包括去年的24起杀人案和386起火器案。 In New Mexico, District Attorney Sam Bregman proposed expanding juvenile charges to include more serious crimes and extending juvenile services to age 25, amid rising youth crime, including 24 homicides and 386 firearms cases in the past year. 这两项措施都旨在强化少年司法法律,但因对康复的潜在影响而面临批评。 Both measures aim to toughen juvenile justice laws but face criticism over potential impacts on rehabilitation.