在退伍军人日,Ann Holcomb和Billy Shepard等退伍军人免费获得方便的洗手间改造,以帮助其独立。 On Veterans Day, veterans like Ann Holcomb and Billy Shepard received free, accessible bathroom remodels to aid their independence.
在退伍军人日,许多退伍军人免费获得方便的洗手间改造,作为旨在帮助因服务受伤者的举措的一部分。 On Veterans Day, multiple veterans received free accessible bathroom remodels as part of initiatives aimed at helping those with service-related injuries. Ann Holcomb是来自Appleton的21年退伍军人,Billy Shepard是来自Bay县的80岁海军陆战队老兵,两人都接受了亲临淋浴,这将提高他们的独立性和安全性。 Ann Holcomb, a 21-year Army veteran from Appleton, and Billy Shepard, an 80-year-old Marine veteran from Bay County, both received walk-in showers that will improve their independence and safety. 全国各地的类似方案也为退伍军人提供经过改造的卫生间,以对他们提供的服务表示感谢。 Similar programs across the country are providing adapted bathrooms to veterans to express gratitude for their service.