尼日利亚政界人士辩论从总统制转向议会制,以解决治理和团结问题。 Nigerian politicians debate shifting from a presidential to a parliamentary system to address governance and unity.
尼日利亚的北方民主联盟(LND)反对回归议会制度,认为这可能会助长地方主义和种族分裂。 The League of Northern Democrats (LND) in Nigeria opposes returning to a parliamentary system, arguing it could foster localism and ethnic divisions. 前卡诺州州长Ibrahim Shekarau支持目前的总统制,声称该制度促进民族团结并确保广泛的代表性。 Former Kano State Governor Ibrahim Shekarau supports the current presidential system, claiming it promotes national unity and ensures broad representation. 然而,议会制度支助小组(PSSG)等利益攸关方认为,总统制度缺乏问责制,代价高昂,主张建立更适合尼日利亚独特需求的本土议会制度。 However, stakeholders like the Parliamentary System Support Group (PSSG) argue that the presidential system lacks accountability and is costly, advocating for a home-grown parliamentary system better suited to Nigeria's unique needs. 辩论的中心问题是,总统制改革还是向议会制转变将更好地解决治理问题和国家统一问题。 The debate centers on whether reforms to the presidential system or a shift to a parliamentary system would better address governance issues and national unity.