印度当局从一个与非法活动有关的中国贷款骗局集团扣押了价值488 000美元的资产。 Indian authorities seize assets worth $488,000 from a Chinese loan scam group linked to illegal activities.
印度执法局(ED)根据反洗钱法,扣押了与中国国民薛飞及其同伙有关的资产,价值3.72亿卢比(488,000美元)。 The Enforcement Directorate (ED) in India has attached assets worth Rs 3.72 crore ($488,000) linked to Chinese national Xue Fei and associates under anti-money laundering laws. 该集团经营的贷款应用程序收取高利率,威胁借款人,并为在印度的中国国民在独家旅馆和俱乐部进行赌博和卖淫等非法活动提供便利。 The group operated loan apps charging high interest rates, threatened borrowers, and facilitated illegal activities like gambling and prostitution in exclusive hotels and clubs for Chinese nationals in India. 本案中所附资产总额现为17.23卢比。 The total assets attached in this case now amount to Rs 17.23 crore.