尽管92%的人重视传统晚餐, 但59%的人认为圣诞布丁的受欢迎程度正在下降. Christmas pudding's popularity wanes as 59% see it as non-essential, despite 92% valuing traditional dinners.
59%的人不再认为圣诞布丁对其节日餐至关重要, 尽管92%的人仍重视传统的圣诞晚宴, A recent poll by the Royal Mint shows that 59% of people no longer see Christmas pudding as essential for their holiday meal, though 92% still value a traditional Christmas dinner. 只有23%的人听说过Stirup Sunday, 这是传统上用于布丁准备的一天。 Only 23% have heard of Stir-up Sunday, the day traditionally set aside for pudding preparation. 皇家铸币厂还推出了一种由回收的 X 射线银制成的可持续六便士,2024 年版的 100 枚全部在 24 小时内售罄。 The Royal Mint is also introducing a sustainable sixpence, made from recycled X-ray silver, with all 100 pieces of the 2024 edition selling out within 24 hours. 节日传统对70%的人来说仍然很重要,开幕仪式将人们列为第二大最受欢迎的传统。 Festive traditions remain important to 70% of people, with opening presents ranking as the second most popular tradition.