一名24岁的男子在星期天在伊利诺伊州惠灵(Wheeling)被枪杀后死亡。 A 24-year-old man died after being shot Sunday at a Wheeling, Illinois, bar following an altercation.
一名24岁的男子在周日清晨在伊利诺斯州惠灵的社交酒吧和Grill遭到致命枪击, A 24-year-old man was fatally shot early Sunday morning at Social Bar and Grill in Wheeling, Illinois, after an altercation. 受害者被赶往医院,但因伤死亡。 The victim was rushed to a hospital but died from his injuries. 开枪者逃离现场,尚未查明身份。 The shooter fled the scene and has not been identified. 警方正在主要案件援助队的协助下调查这一事件,并正在寻求公众帮助,打电话847-459-2632。 Police are investigating the incident with assistance from the Major Case Assistance Team and are seeking public help by calling 847-459-2632.