新加坡提议修改交通法,允许对危险驾驶行为作出更灵活的判决。 Singapore proposes changes to traffic laws to allow more flexible sentencing for dangerous driving.
新加坡正在提议修改其交通法,使法院在对犯有危险驾驶罪的初犯判刑时有更大的酌处权。 Singapore is proposing changes to its traffic laws to give courts more discretion in sentencing first-time offenders who commit dangerous driving offenses. 向议会提出的《道路交通(杂项修正)法案》旨在取消对造成严重伤害或死亡的罪行的强制性最低刑罚,最高刑罚分别维持五年和八年。 The Road Traffic (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill, introduced in Parliament, aims to remove mandatory minimum sentences for offenses causing grievous hurt or death, with maximum penalties remaining at five years and eight years, respectively. 此举旨在确保量刑与每个案件的情况更相称。 This move seeks to ensure sentences are more proportionate to the circumstances of each case.