在林肯县开枪射杀他妹妹后被捕的男子,使她处于危急状态。 Man arrested after shooting his sister in Lincoln County, leaving her in critical condition.
一名59岁的男子,Gary Campbell,据称在林肯县被捕,当时他向68岁的妹妹开枪,妹妹处于危急但稳定的状况。 A 59-year-old man, Gary Campbell, was arrested in Lincoln County after allegedly shooting his 68-year-old sister, who is in critical but stable condition. 事件发生在星期五清晨的日内瓦社区,Campbell被指控犯有一级攻击罪(家庭暴力)。 The incident occurred in Geneva Community early Friday morning, and Campbell was charged with first-degree assault (domestic violence). 林肯郡郡警署正在调查 The Lincoln County Sheriff's Department is handling the investigation.