Jingdezhen恢复了历史悠久的Taoyangli区, 以维护中国的“普罗采兰首都”并实现现代化。 Jingdezhen revives its historic Taoyangli district to preserve and modernize China's "Porcelain Capital."
Jingdezhen在江西省被称为中国的“王冠”, 正在振兴其Taoyangli历史文化区。 Jingdezhen, known as China's "Porcelain Capital" in Jiangxi Province, is revitalizing its Taoyangli Historical and Cultural District. 翻修的目的是保存该地区丰富的陶瓷遗产,同时使其适应现代,吸引全球对其古老工艺的兴趣。 The renovation aims to preserve the area's rich ceramic heritage while adapting it for modern times, attracting global interest in its ancient craft. 该地区每块窑炉砖都象征着为保护和展示Jingdezhen的文化遗产而持续作出的努力。 Each kiln brick in the district symbolizes the ongoing effort to protect and showcase Jingdezhen's cultural legacy.