伊朗副总统敦促美国新政府停止以色列与哈马斯和真主党的冲突。 Iran's VP urges new U.S. government to halt Israel's conflicts with Hamas, Hezbollah.
伊朗第一副总统穆罕默德·雷扎·阿雷夫(Mohammad Reza Aref)敦促即将上任的美国政府停止以色列与哈马斯及真主党的冲突。 Iran's First Vice President, Mohammad Reza Aref, has urged the incoming U.S. government to stop Israel's conflicts with Hamas and Hezbollah. Aref批评以色列定点清除行动, 称其为「有组织的恐怖主义」。 Speaking at a summit in Riyadh, Aref criticized Israel's targeted killings, calling them "organized terrorism." 他还呼吁美国改变“最大压力”政策, 认为中东和平取决于美国方针的转变。 He also called for the U.S. to change its "maximum pressure" policy, arguing that peace in the Middle East is contingent on a shift in U.S. approach.