在好莱坞山附近洛杉矶101号高速公路上发现一具腐烂的尸体;调查仍在进行中。 A decomposing body was found on the 101 Freeway in L.A. near Hollywood Hills; investigation ongoing.
星期一早上 在洛杉矶101号高速公路南行 发现了一具腐烂的尸体 在好莱坞丘陵区附近 A decomposing body was found on Monday morning on the southbound 101 Freeway in Los Angeles, near the Hollywood Hills area. 该发现是在凌晨1点20分左右在两个混凝土柱之间发现的,而官员尚未透露关于死者身份或死因的任何信息。 The discovery was made around 1:20 a.m. between two concrete pillars, and officials have not yet released any information about the deceased's identity or cause of death. 洛杉矶县验尸官办公室正在调查此案。 The Los Angeles County Coroner's Office is investigating the case.