美国威斯康星州的木工协会举办了第41届"木工艺术"展览, Woodworkers guild hosts 41st "Artistry in Wood" show, featuring exhibits and demos in Wisconsin.
威斯康辛州东北部木工协会在威斯康辛州丹麦高中举办第41届“木工艺术”展。 The Northeastern Wisconsin Woodworkers Guild hosts the 41st "Artistry in Wood" show at Denmark High School in Wisconsin. 星期日上午9时至下午2时向年龄在17岁及以上的木工开放,活动有展出者、现场演示和销售商开放。 Open to woodworkers aged 17 and over, the event features exhibitors, live demos, and vendors from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday. 入院费用为5美元,收入的10%将送往绿湾的HSHS圣文森特儿童医院。 Admission costs $5, with 10% of proceeds going to HSHS St. Vincent Children's Hospital in Green Bay.