副总理提议在马来西亚沙捞越将Deepavali定为公共假日。 Deputy Prime Minister proposes making Deepavali a public holiday in Sarawak, Malaysia.
Fadillah Yusof副总理计划提议将Deepavali作为马来西亚沙捞越的公共假日,以适应印度教社区的宗教和文化习俗。 Deputy Prime Minister Fadillah Yusof plans to propose making Deepavali a public holiday in Sarawak, Malaysia, to accommodate the Hindu community's religious and cultural practices. 这项建议是针对该地区印度教社区经常提出的要求提出的。 This proposal addresses a frequent request from the Hindu community in the region. 虽然Deepavali目前不是沙捞越的一个公共假日,但州政府先前曾表示会考虑这一请求。 While Deepavali is not currently a public holiday in Sarawak, the state government has previously indicated it would consider the request.