AI热摄像头探测到四英里外的鲸鱼 防止船只撞击 由Matson导航公司资助 AI thermal cameras detect whales up to four miles away to prevent ship strikes, funded by Matson Navigation.
马萨诸塞州伍兹霍尔海洋学研究所正在开发AI动力热摄像头,以减少船只袭击造成的每年约20 000名鲸鱼死亡。 The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts is developing AI-powered thermal cameras to reduce the estimated 20,000 annual whale deaths from ship strikes. 摄像头可以探测四英里外的鲸鱼 实时警报船只 允许它们改变航向或减速 The cameras can detect whales over four miles away and alert ships in real-time, allowing them to change course or slow down. Matson导航公司已认捐100万美元支持研究,在试验测试中成功识别了1 169头鲸和海豚的技术。 The Matson Navigation Company has pledged $1 million to support the research, with the technology successfully identifying 1,169 whales and dolphins in trial tests.