一名代顿大学学生在袭击中被一辆汽车投掷的烟花击伤。 A University of Dayton student was injured by a firework thrown from a car during an assault.
一名代顿大学学生在Kiefaber街被一辆黑色Chevy Cruze向一群学生投掷烟火时受伤。 A University of Dayton student was injured when a firework was thrown from a black Chevy Cruze at a group of students on Kiefaber Street. 这一事件作为严重攻击事件受到调查,此后本周早些时候也发生了类似情况。 This incident, being investigated as aggravated assault, follows a similar occurrence earlier in the week. 该大学公共安全部正在寻求关于这两起事件的信息。 The university's Department of Public Safety is seeking information about both incidents. 详情请致电937-229-2121。 Anyone with details is encouraged to call 937-229-2121.