本·约翰逊 (Ben Johnson) 计划在寻找主教练时“有选择地”确保最合适。 Ben Johnson plans to be "selective" in his search for head coaches to ensure the best fit.
本·约翰逊(Ben Johnson),可能指的是体育管理领域的一位人物,他表示他在寻找主教练时将“有选择”。 Ben Johnson, likely referring to a figure in sports management, has stated he will be "selective" in his search for head coaches. 这种方法建议仔细考虑候选人,而不是匆忙做出决定,强调找到适合团队需求的人选的重要性。 This approach suggests a careful consideration of candidates rather than a rushed decision, emphasizing the importance of finding the right fit for the team's needs. 没有提供有关这些检索的标准或时间表的更多详细信息。 Further details on the criteria or timeline for these searches were not provided.