报告比较了澳大利亚和新西兰的退休收入制度,指出了主要差异。 A report compares Australia and New Zealand's retirement income systems, noting key differences.
新西兰经济研究所的一份报告比较了澳大利亚和新西兰的退休收入制度,突出了长处和短处。 A report by the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research compares the retirement income systems of Australia and New Zealand, highlighting strengths and weaknesses. 新西兰提供较高的平均收入,减少退休收入不平等,而澳大利亚的制度鼓励储蓄,但不利于在领取养老金年龄工作。 New Zealand offers higher average incomes and reduces retirement income inequality, while Australia's system encourages savings but discourages work at pension age. 两国的退休支出低于经合组织的平均水平,预计新西兰的支出将增加,澳大利亚到2050年将保持稳定。 Both nations spend less on retirement than the OECD average, with spending expected to rise in New Zealand and remain stable in Australia through 2050.