31 岁的多米尼克·德文·莫里森 (Dominique Devon Morrison) 在北卡罗来纳州林肯顿的一场车祸中丧生,原因是超速且未系安全带。 Dominique Devon Morrison, 31, died in a crash in Lincolnton, NC, due to excessive speed and no seatbelt.
31 岁的多米尼克·德文·莫里森 (Dominique Devon Morrison) 于 11 月 6 日在北卡罗来纳州林肯顿的一场车祸中丧生。 Dominique Devon Morrison, 31, was killed in a car crash on November 6 in Lincolnton, North Carolina. 他驾驶一辆 2012 年的现代索纳塔,在塞勒姆教堂路失去控制,撞上了栅栏和一棵树。 Driving a 2012 Hyundai Sonata, he lost control on Salem Church Road, striking a fence and a tree. 莫里森没有系安全带,被弹出车外。 Morrison was not wearing a seatbelt and was ejected from the vehicle. 当局称超速是导致事故的一个因素。 Authorities cited excessive speed as a factor in the accident. 在调查期间,道路封闭了大约两个小时。 The road was closed for about two hours during the investigation.