一名东南Bulloch中学学生被发现用刀子,据报受到同龄人的威胁。 A Southeast Bulloch Middle School student was found with a knife and reportedly threatened peers.
发现一名东南Bulloch中学学生在校园里拿着一把两英寸的袖珍刀,据称还威胁另外两人。 A Southeast Bulloch Middle School student was found with a two-inch pocket knife on campus and allegedly threatened two others. 根据《Bulloch县学校学生行为守则》,这一事件引发了向执法部门提交的强制性报告。 This incident triggered a mandatory report to law enforcement as per the Bulloch County Schools Student Code of Conduct. 学校资源官员受到调查,学生正面临后果。 The school resource officer investigated, and the student is facing consequences. 向家长们通报了关于学校中违禁物品的法律,并提醒他们注意这些法律,鼓励他们警惕可疑活动。 Parents were informed and reminded about the laws regarding prohibited items in schools, encouraging vigilance against suspicious activities.