密苏里州严重水灾造成多人死亡,包括两起溺水事件和两辆车被淹没。 Severe flooding in Missouri resulted in multiple fatalities, including two drownings and two vehicles found submerged.
在圣路易斯县,有两人在严重洪灾后被发现死亡。 In St. Louis County, two individuals were found dead following severe flooding. 一名妇女驾车驶入洪水中,在她被淹没的SUV内被发现,另一具尸体位于H大道一带。 救援队对多起事件作出反应,发现另外五辆无人驾驶的沉没车辆。 A woman was discovered inside her submerged SUV after she drove into floodwaters, and another body was located along Avenue H. Rescue teams responded to multiple incidents, finding five other unoccupied submerged vehicles. 此外,两名民调工作者在Wright县淹死,一名在铁县的男子在汽车被冲走时丧生。 Additionally, two poll workers drowned in Wright County, and a man in Iron County was killed when his car was swept away. 有关情况仍在调查之中。 The situation remains under investigation.