国际货币基金组织(IMF)将于下周审查巴基斯坦70亿美元的救助计划, The IMF will review Pakistan's $7 billion bailout next week due to mixed progress on conditions.
国际货币基金组织(基金组织)将尽早审查巴基斯坦由代表团团长内森·波特率领、下周抵达的70亿美元的一揽子救援计划。 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) will conduct an early review of Pakistan's $7 billion bailout package, led by Mission Chief Nathan Porter, arriving next week. 由于巴基斯坦在满足商定条件方面的业绩参差不齐,这次审查将对约40个条件的遵守情况进行评估。 This review, prompted by Pakistan's mixed performance in meeting agreed conditions, will assess compliance with about 40 terms. 政府担心潜在的挑战和调整目标的必要性,但审查也为谈判提供了机会。 The government is apprehensive about potential challenges and the need to adjust targets, but the review also offers an opportunity for negotiation.