11月4日格林菲尔德的校车失事造成1名妇女死亡,3人受伤。 A school bus crash in Greenfield on November 4 left one woman dead and three injured.
11月4日,一辆校车在格林菲尔德发生多车撞车事件,造成一名26岁妇女死亡。 A multi-vehicle crash in Greenfield on November 4 involved a school bus and resulted in one fatality, a 26-year-old woman. 另外3人受到非致命伤害,包括校车司机。 Three others sustained non-life-threatening injuries, including the school bus driver. 这起事故发生在27街和霍华德大道交汇处,据报一辆灰色SUV冲红灯,触发连锁反应。 The accident occurred at the intersection of 27th Street and Howard Avenue when a gray SUV reportedly ran a red light, triggering a chain reaction. 现场由应急反应人员守卫,调查正在进行中。 The scene was secured by emergency responders, and an investigation is ongoing.