Kyle Hameluck,35岁,对61项指控(包括诱奸和骚扰)表示不认罪。 Kyle Hameluck, 35, pleads not guilty to 61 charges, including voyeurism and harassment.
Kyle Hameluck, 35岁的萨斯卡通居民,对61项指控,包括恐吓、刑事骚扰和窥妇行为,表示不认罪。 Kyle Hameluck, a 35-year-old resident of Saskatoon, has pleaded not guilty to 61 charges, including intimidation, criminal harassment, and voyeurism. 这是他第三次因类似罪行而触犯法律,在2020年面临38项诱奸罪,此前曾于2017年因诱奸罪和猥亵罪被定罪。 This is his third encounter with the law for similar offenses, having faced 38 voyeurism counts in 2020 and previously convicted in 2017 for voyeurism and indecent assault. 他目前还押候审,正在等待进一步的法庭诉讼程序,尚未确定预审日期。 He is currently in remand and awaits further court proceedings, with no preliminary hearing date set yet.