肯特和牛津郡理事会在管理特殊教育需求方面面临重大的财政挑战。 Kent and Oxfordshire councils face significant financial challenges in managing special educational needs.
肯特县议会正努力解决一项3.89亿英镑的特殊教育需求法案(SEN),其驱动因素是学生人数不断增加和私立教育费用高昂。 Kent County Council is grappling with a £389 million bill for special educational needs (SEN), driven by rising student numbers and high costs of private education. 计划旨在将更多有特殊教育需要的学生转到主流学校,以减少开支。 Plans aim to shift more SEN students to mainstream schools to reduce expenses. 同时,牛津郡县议会正在辩论一项紧急改革SEND系统的动议,提出2 130万英镑的赤字,并强调政府需要澄清筹资问题。 Meanwhile, Oxfordshire County Council is debating a motion for urgent reform of the SEND system, citing a £21.3 million deficit and emphasizing the need for clarity from the government on funding. 国家审计署的一份报告强调了该系统的低效率,呼吁立即进行变革,以提高包容性和早期干预。 A National Audit Office report highlights the system's inefficiency, calling for immediate changes to improve inclusivity and early intervention.