印度政府开始第二阶段的补贴面粉和稻米销售,以抑制通货膨胀。 India's government starts Phase II of subsidized wheat flour and rice sales to curb inflation.
印度政府启动了Bharat Atta(小麦面粉)补贴销售的第二阶段,按每公斤30美分计算,Bharat Rice按每公斤34美分计算。 The Indian government has launched Phase II of subsidized sales for Bharat Atta (wheat flour) at ₹30 per kg and Bharat Rice at ₹34 per kg. 该倡议旨在向消费者提供负担得起的食品,并遏制不断上升的通货膨胀。 This initiative aims to provide affordable food items to consumers and combat rising inflation. 这些产品有5公斤和10公斤包,可从国家气候变化基金、国家环境保护基金、Kendriya Bhandar和网上零售商处购买。 Available in 5kg and 10kg packs, the products can be purchased from NCCF, NAFED, Kendriya Bhandar, and online retailers. 总共准备分发3.69万吨小麦和2.91万吨大米,直至库存用完为止。 A total of 3.69 lakh tonnes of wheat and 2.91 lakh tonnes of rice are set for distribution until stocks run out.