克洛维斯警方在搜查过程中发现了毒品和火器,寻找Ignacio Gallegos和Amber Martinez的嫌犯。 Clovis police found drugs and firearms during a search, seeking suspects Ignacio Gallegos and Amber Martinez.
2024年11月1日, 克洛维斯警方根据有关毒品活动的匿名消息, 在贝莱尔路一户人家执行搜查令。 On November 1, 2024, Clovis police executed a search warrant at a home on Belair Road, acting on anonymous tips regarding drug activity. 他们发现了海洛因、冰毒、芬太尼药丸和枪械 They found heroin, meth, fentanyl pills, and firearms. 对Ignacio Gallegos(44岁)和Amber Martinez(33岁)签发了逮捕令,前者涉及多种毒品和火器指控,后者涉及分配受管制物质。 Arrest warrants were issued for Ignacio Gallegos, 44, on multiple drug and firearm charges, and Amber Martinez, 33, for distribution of a controlled substance. 两名嫌疑人仍然在逃,警方正在要求公众协助寻找他们的下落。 Both suspects remain at large, and police are asking for public assistance in locating them.