阿塞拜疆和亚美尼亚提出了和平协定草案,但亚美尼亚人仍然持怀疑态度。 Azerbaijan and Armenia propose peace agreement drafts, but skepticism remains among Armenians.
阿塞拜疆向亚美尼亚提出了一套新的和平协定草案建议,亚美尼亚也提交了旨在达成全面协议的最后一揽子方案。 Azerbaijan has sent Armenia a new set of proposals for a draft peace agreement, while Armenia has also submitted its final package aimed at reaching a comprehensive deal. 双方已就许多条款基本达成一致,只有一、两点有待解决。 Both sides have largely agreed on many articles, with only one or two points pending. 尽管正在进行谈判,但GALLUP调查显示,64.6%的亚美尼亚人怀疑到2024年底将最终缔结和平条约,这反映出人们对和平进程的怀疑。 Despite ongoing negotiations, a GALLUP survey shows 64.6% of Armenians doubt a peace treaty will be finalized by the end of 2024, reflecting skepticism about the process.