Valor基金会修道院在杜布克举行特别仪式和缝纫,向女退伍军人致敬。 The Quilts of Valor Foundation honored female veterans in Dubuque with a special ceremony and quilts.
迪比克的 Quilts of Valor 基金会在特别仪式上向女性退伍军人致敬,包括三州女战士的成员。 The Quilts of Valor Foundation in Dubuque honored female veterans, including members of the Tri-State Women Warriors, during a special ceremony. 这次活动由Valor的Breezy Ridge Quilts小组组织,目的是表彰在军队服役的妇女。 This event, organized by the Breezy Ridge Quilts of Valor group, is aimed at recognizing women who have served in the military. 像帕特·布里梅耶(Pat Brimeyer)这样的许多荣誉获得者对手工制作的缝纫表示感谢,这象征着对他们的服务的赞赏。 Many honorees, like Pat Brimeyer, expressed gratitude for the handmade quilts, which symbolize appreciation for their service. 该基金会自2003年成立以来,已经向全国颁发了40多万件缝纫品。 The foundation has awarded over 400,000 quilts nationwide since its inception in 2003.