印度空军一架米格-29型战斗机在训练期间在阿格拉附近坠毁;飞行员安全。 A MiG-29 fighter jet from the Indian Air Force crashed near Agra during training; pilot safe.
印度空军一架米格-29战斗机于星期一从旁遮普的亚当普尔起飞后在一次训练演习中于北方邦阿格拉附近坠毁。 An Indian Air Force MiG-29 fighter jet crashed near Agra, Uttar Pradesh, on Monday during a training exercise after taking off from Adampur, Punjab. 飞行员安全撤离,地面没有人员伤亡。 The pilot ejected safely and there were no casualties on the ground. 印度空军已启动调查法庭调查坠机原因,这是今年第二起涉及 MiG-29 的事件。 The IAF has initiated a Court of Inquiry to investigate the cause of the crash, which is the second incident involving a MiG-29 this year. 随着调查的展开,尚有待进一步的细节。 Further details are pending as the investigation unfolds.