Jim Messina警告说,早期投票趋势有利于共和党人,引起对民主党人的关切。 Jim Messina warns that early voting trends favor Republicans, raising concerns for Democrats.
前奥巴马竞选经理Jim Messina对2024年选举的早期票数表示关切, Former Obama campaign manager Jim Messina has expressed concern over early voting numbers for the 2024 elections, describing them as "scary" for Democrats. 在内华达州,共和党以5%左右的早期投票率领导民主党,而在北卡罗来纳州,GOP早期投票率和邮递投票率超过了2020年的总数。 In Nevada, Republicans lead Democrats by about 5% in early voting, while in North Carolina, GOP early and mail-in votes have surpassed their 2020 totals. 民主党人对可能的选民食和选举日"蓝色幻影"的风险表示担忧. These trends have raised alarms among Democrats about potential voter cannibalization and the risk of a "blue mirage" on Election Day.