Hello Fresh从11月4日至7日提供一套特别的餐具“Rachel Green's Trifle”(Rachel Green's Trifle)。 HelloFresh is offering a special meal kit, "Rachel Green's Trifle," from November 4-7 for $34.99.
哈罗 弗雷什正在推出一个限量配餐工具包 "Rachel Green's Trifle" 庆祝"朋友"30周年 HelloFresh is launching a limited-edition meal kit, "Rachel Green's Trifle," to celebrate the 30th anniversary of "Friends." 该套装于 11 月 4 日至 7 日发售,售价 34.99 美元,可供 6 人食用,包括牧羊人牛肉馅饼和经典英式小点心的配料,以及定制的小菜、朋友围裙和食谱卡。 Available from November 4-7 for $34.99, the kit serves six and includes ingredients for beef shepherd's pie and a classic English trifle, along with a custom trifle dish, a Friends apron, and recipe cards. 不需要订阅,订单将按照先到先得的方式处理,预计11月11日这一周交货。 No subscription is needed, and orders will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis, with deliveries expected the week of November 11.