两名俄亥俄州官员在一名在押男子被捕后死亡后面临鲁莽的凶杀指控。 Two Ohio officers face reckless homicide charges after a man in custody died post-arrest.
两名俄亥俄州警察被指控犯有鲁莽杀人罪,因为一名被拘押的男子在一次车祸逮捕后死亡。 Two Ohio police officers have been charged with reckless homicide after a man in their custody died following a crash arrest. 这名男子被铐上手铐,脸朝下在社交俱乐部,他一再表示他无法呼吸。 The man, who was handcuffed and left face down in a social club, repeatedly stated he couldn't breathe. 指控源于警员的行为或不作为 导致这名男子的死亡。 The charges stem from the officers' actions or inactions that contributed to the man's death.