3个兄弟在阿南布拉州Awka死于敌对教派之间的暴力地盘战争。 Three brothers were killed in Awka, Anambra State, amid violent turf wars between rival cults.
在阿南布拉州Awka,涉嫌邪教的人在一系列暴力袭击中杀害了同一家的三名兄弟,这些袭击与敌对邪教团体之间正在进行的草皮战争有关。 In Awka, Anambra State, suspected cultists have killed three brothers from the same family in a series of violent attacks tied to ongoing turf wars between rival cult groups. 最年幼的Nonso在其兄弟Buchi和最年长的兄弟姐妹死亡后最近被谋杀。 Nonso, the youngest, was recently murdered, following the deaths of his brothers Buchi and the eldest sibling. 警方谴责了暴力,并且向肇事者提供了1 000万奈拉的赏金。 The police have condemned the violence, and a N10 million bounty has been placed on the perpetrators. 社区领导人呼吁采取紧急行动解决不断升级的危机。 Community leaders are calling for urgent action to address the escalating crisis.