总统拜登在宾夕法尼亚集会上批评特朗普支持者,敦促选民关注家庭。 President Biden criticized Trump supporters at a Pennsylvania rally, urging voters to focus on families.
在宾夕法尼亚州斯克兰顿的一次竞选活动中,乔·拜登总统批评了支持唐纳德·特朗普为富人减税的“大男子主义家伙”,幽默地表示他想“打”他们。 During a campaign stop in Scranton, Pennsylvania, President Joe Biden criticized "macho guys" who support Donald Trump's proposed tax cuts for the wealthy, humorously stating he would like to "smack" them. 他的发言反映了这场运动的持续主题,侧重于性别问题和党派忠诚。 His remarks reflect ongoing themes in the campaign, focusing on gender issues and partisan loyalties. Biden敦促选民在即将举行的选举中优先考虑其家人。 Biden urged voters to prioritize their families in the upcoming election. 同时,特朗普后来在北卡罗来纳州的一次集会上 嘲笑拜登的言论 Meanwhile, Trump later joked about Biden's comments at a rally in North Carolina.