马尔文警方对青年使用喷射剂杀死鸟类,向罪犯发出警告。 Police in Malvern address youth using catapults to kill birds, issuing warnings to offenders.
马尔弗恩警方正在处理有关年轻人使用弹射石杀死鸟类的报告。 Police in Malvern are addressing reports of young people using catapults to kill birds. Pickersleigh和大通更安全邻里小组由PCSO Kev Tudge领导,查明了青年人的身份,并与他们及其支持他们的父母进行了交谈。 The Pickersleigh and Chase Safer Neighbourhood Team, led by PCSO Kev Tudge, has identified the youths and spoken with them and their supportive parents. 这些人被置于二级反社会行为地位,如果他们在一年内再次犯罪,可能会受到限制。 The individuals have been placed on Level 2 anti-social behavior status, which could lead to restrictions if they reoffend within a year. 警察正在鼓励公众报告类似的事件。 The police are encouraging the public to report similar incidents.