Jessica Zipkin, 34岁,被发现死在她的公寓里,她男友William Carey, 46岁,因谋杀罪被捕。 Jessica Zipkin, 34, was found dead in her apartment, and her boyfriend William Carey, 46, was arrested for murder.
Jessica Zipkin 34岁 在她Montgomery县的公寓被发现死亡 头部受致命伤 Jessica Zipkin, 34, was found dead in her Montgomery County apartment with a fatal head injury. 她的男朋友,46岁的William Carey, 被逮捕并被指控犯有 " 一夫一妻谋杀 " 、 " 三妻谋杀 " 和持有犯罪工具,特别是现场发现的锤子。 Her boyfriend, 46-year-old William Carey, has been arrested and charged with First-Degree Murder, Third-Degree Murder, and possession of an instrument of crime, specifically a hammer found at the scene. Carey目前没有保释,定于11月13日举行初步审讯。 Carey is currently held without bail and has a preliminary hearing scheduled for November 13. 关于这一事件的更多详情尚未提供。 Further details about the incident are not yet available.