Ronnie Harrison Sr.据称因在投票地点威胁Keith Kidwell Rep.而被捕。 Ronnie Harrison Sr. was arrested for allegedly threatening Rep. Keith Kidwell at a voting site.
来自Pinetown的Ronnie Harrison Sr.因据称在Beaufort县一个早期投票地点威胁州立法者Keith Kidwell Rep. Keith Kidwell而被捕。 Ronnie Harrison Sr. from Pinetown has been arrested for allegedly threatening state lawmaker Rep. Keith Kidwell at an early voting site in Beaufort County. 事件发生在Beaufort县选举委员会之外,据报告,Harrison威胁要向Kidwell和其他人开枪。 The incident occurred outside the Beaufort County Board of Elections, where Harrison reportedly threatened to shoot Kidwell and others. 他被指控对政府官员进行威胁,这是北卡罗来纳州法律规定的重罪,该案件正由地方当局调查。 He has been charged with making threats against government officials, a felony under North Carolina law, and the case is under investigation by local authorities.