警方调查在伦敦一个亲以色列中心被扔上红漆后涉嫌的仇恨犯罪。 Police investigate a suspected hate crime after red paint was thrown on a pro-Israel center in London.
在巴勒斯坦行动小组于11月2日(即《鲍尔夫宣言》周年纪念日)举行抗议活动时,在伦敦英国以色列通讯研究中心投掷红漆后,首都警察正在调查一起涉嫌仇恨犯罪。 The Metropolitan Police are investigating a suspected hate crime after red paint was thrown on the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre in London during a protest by the Palestine Action group on November 2, the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. 该集团声称反对英国与以色列种族隔离的串通。 The group claims to oppose British complicity with Israeli apartheid. 警方逮捕了两名个人,因为他们展示了与被禁组织有关的标牌,并向公众保证将进行彻底调查。 Police arrested two individuals for displaying a placard linked to a proscribed organization and assured the public of a thorough investigation.