Goldman Sachs报告说,为了到2030年实现6.5%的GVA增长,印度每年需要1 000万个工作岗位。 Goldman Sachs reports India needs 10 million annual jobs to achieve 6.5% GVA growth by 2030.
Goldman Sachs的一份报告指出,印度必须每年从25至30财政年度创造约1 000万个工作岗位,以实现毛额增值6.5%的增长。 A Goldman Sachs report indicates that India must create about 10 million jobs annually from FY25 to FY30 to achieve a 6.5% growth in Gross Value Added (GVA). 为支持这一点,它建议促进经济适用住房,在较小城市发展信息技术中心,并将财政刺激措施集中于纺织和食品加工等劳动密集型部门。 To support this, it recommends promoting affordable housing, developing IT hubs in smaller cities, and focusing fiscal incentives on labor-intensive sectors like textiles and food processing. 报告强调指出,劳动力参与率从50%上升到60%,这主要是由于农村地区女性参与率提高。 The report highlights a rise in the Labor Force Participation Rate from 50% to 60%, largely due to increased female participation in rural areas.