新斯科舍省选举局警告称,存在冒充他们并索取个人信息的网络钓鱼骗局。 Elections Nova Scotia warns of a phishing scam impersonating them and requesting personal info.
新斯科舍(Nova Scotia)选举提醒公众注意一个假冒该组织和虚假声称提供互联网投票的假冒电子邮件骗局, Elections Nova Scotia has alerted the public about a phishing email scam that impersonates the organization and falsely claims to offer internet voting, which is not available in the provincial election. 电子邮件通过可疑链接要求个人信息。 The email requests personal information through a suspicious link. 该机构强调,它不通过电子邮件征求个人数据,只接触先接触的选民。 The agency emphasizes it does not solicit personal data via email and only contacts voters who reach out first. 敦促诈骗邮件的收受者向加拿大反诈骗中心报告。 Recipients of the scam email are urged to report it to the Canada Anti-Fraud Centre.