MEATER推出了Pro Duo,一个双探针智能肉热表,售价为199.95美元,用于基于应用程序的. MEATER launches the Pro Duo, a dual-probe smart meat thermometer for $199.95, for app-based cooking.
MEATER已经发射了Pro Duo号,这是一个双丙型智能肉类温度计,专供MEATER.com使用,价格199.95美元。 MEATER has launched the Pro Duo, a dual-probe smart meat thermometer available exclusively on for $199.95. 它使用户可以通过一个应用程序同时监测两个盘子,为实时更新提供无限制的无线上网范围。 It allows users to monitor two dishes simultaneously via an app, offering unlimited Wi-Fi range for real-time updates. 温度计具有高级温度传感器特征,能够承受高温,并有一个USB-C可再充电电池。 The thermometer features advanced temperature sensors, can withstand high temperatures, and has a USB-C rechargeable battery. " Pro Duo " 将精密烹饪与方便结合起来,使之既适合临时厨师,也适合专业人员。 The Pro Duo combines precision cooking with convenience, making it suitable for both casual cooks and professionals.