马里兰州总检察长命令两家非营利组织停止发送有争议的“选民报告卡”邮件。 Maryland AG orders two nonprofits to cease sending controversial "Voter Report Card" mailers.
马里兰州总检察长办公室已命令华盛顿特区的两个非营利组织,即选民信息中心(Center for Voter Information)和选民参与中心(Voter Participation Center),停止向居民发送“选民报告卡”邮件。 The Maryland Attorney General's Office has ordered two Washington D.C. nonprofits, the Center for Voter Information and the Voter Participation Center, to stop sending "Voter Report Card" mailers to residents. 这些邮件揭示了个人的投票历史,并暗示了关于不参与的威胁,这违反了马里兰州的法律。 These mailers revealed individuals' voting histories and implied threats regarding non-participation, which is against Maryland law. 这些组织声称,他们的目标是提高代表性不足的群体的选民投票率,尽管他们的方法面临批评。 The organizations claim their goal is to boost voter turnout among underrepresented groups, though they face criticism for their methods.