在黎巴嫩的爱尔兰维和人员面临来自真主党的火箭弹袭击,但没有人受伤。 Irish peacekeepers in Lebanon faced a rocket attack from Hezbollah, but no injuries occurred.
黎巴嫩南部Shamrock营地的爱尔兰维和人员最近成为真主党火箭袭击的目标,但没有人员受伤的报告。 Irish peacekeepers at Camp Shamrock in southern Lebanon were recently targeted by a rocket attack from Hezbollah, but no injuries were reported. 这一事件造成的破坏最小,凸显了该区域紧张的安全局势,维和人员上个月面临约30起袭击。 The incident, causing minimal damage, highlights the tense security situation in the region, with peacekeepers facing around 30 attacks in the past month. 作为回应,爱尔兰政府开始为部队提供“家庭团聚航班”。 In response, the Irish government has introduced "family reunion flights" for troops. 大约381名士兵正在准备六个月的部署,确保他们在节日期间保持正常状态。 Approximately 381 soldiers are preparing for a six-month deployment, ensuring they maintain a sense of normalcy during the holidays.